1 old age home in kolkata

1 old age home in kolkata

In this digital age, assisting senior citizens with technology is essential to making them feel included and connected. It’s not as hard as it would appear to teach kids how to use modern technology; they frequently possess more abilities than we realize. Approximately 49% of seniors in the 70–74 age range and 59% of seniors in the 65–69 age range currently own a smartphone. As you are aware, a smartphone provides a user-friendly way to access the electronic realm. On the other hand, their ignorance of technology might occasionally leave them extremely open to cybercrime.

According to a research, spam links expose approximately 23.6% of older persons (65 and over) to online fraud. They therefore require a teacher who can instruct children in the safe use of technology. Are you unsure about how to start teaching older people to use technology? For your assistance, below is a handbook.1 old age home in kolkata

How Can You Teach Elder Individuals to Use Technology?

Because technology is developing so quickly, if you don’t actively keep your elderly family members informed, they may feel excluded. Even if an elderly person has never used technology before, you can begin assisting them with it at any moment. A smartphone, a little perseverance, and these useful pointers are all you need.

1. Begin With Explaining the Benefits 1 old age home in kolkata

If you begin by outlining the advantages of technology, your attempt to teach your aging parents, grandparents, or other family members will be successful. Show them how using smart devices can make their lives easier. Demonstrate how people can view recent photos of their loved ones on Facebook.

Inform them that they may get a list of cooking recipes and political and sports news on Google and YouTube by simply speaking in their original tongue. It will be lot simpler for you to instruct them once they notice such fascinating items that are only a touch away.


2. Start Slow with Basic Concepts 1 old age home in kolkata

It is usually preferable to start with fundamental ideas and expand on prior understanding. Begin slowly by illustrating ideas with examples from actual life. Always compare a new technology to something they already know something about when introducing it.

It will be simpler for you to teach your father how to apply filters on Instagram if he is already familiar with applying simple filters to a picture in the phone’s built-in gallery. Start out slowly because giving them too much information at once can make them confused and unmotivated.


3. Use Simple Words Avoiding Technical Jargon1 old age home in kolkata

When assisting senior citizens with technology, you will need to speak in plain terms. They may first have trouble understanding technological terms like web browsers, portals, cookies, etc.

These phrases can be explained more simply by drawing a comparison between a web browser and a library, where users can search for and obtain any information they choose. Compare a web address to a street address to explain it. They will eventually become accustomed to these fundamental technical phrases with your straightforward explanations.


4. Repeat Key Concepts 1 old age home in kolkata

For them to retain their technical knowledge, it is crucial that you periodically repeat your lessons. Your new senior student will undoubtedly become overwhelmed if you keep adding new knowledge without considering the earlier ones.

About 40% of seniors over 65 suffer from some form of memory impairment, so if you don’t repeat your lessons often, it will be more difficult for them to remember them. As a result, before beginning the new lesson, you might begin with a quick review of the prior one.

5. Write Down if Necessary 1 old age home in kolkata

You must use the method that works best for the elderly when it comes to technology assistance. You are educating the pen-and-paper generation about technology. Therefore, it is just impossible to proceed without utilizing a pen and paper. Put the instructions for opening a social networking app or digital tool in writing.

Allow your senior student to read it, commit it to memory, and then put what they have learned into practice. Additionally, you will need to motivate your senior student to write down intricate details, procedures, and words. In order to preserve secrecy, don’t forget to caution them against disclosing private information like usernames and passwords.

6. Ask Questions to Refresh Ideas 1 old age home in kolkata

Allowing seniors to ask as many questions as they like is one way to teach them how to use technology more effectively. As they become older and understand new technical concepts, they will inevitably have a lot of questions. Some of them can also be humorous and stupid.

Answers should be given without making fun of them, as this could tremendously demoralize them. Your senior parents’ technology education sessions should be interactive, allowing both parties to ask and receive questions. This will motivate the student and provide you suggestions for areas where you need to invest more effort.

7. Make Them Practice 1 old age home in kolkata

You might feel tempted to take matters into your own hands if you see your elderly parents having trouble using their smart device, but resist the urge. Eventually, your intervention will push their learning process.

Instead, give children the freedom to strive and figure things out on their own by actively using applications and digital tools without your help. Although they will take time, kids will learn more deeply if they participate actively and independently. While you can occasionally give children instructions, you should always urge them to click, tap, or navigate independently.

8. Acknowledge Their Confusion and Frustration 1 old age home in kolkata

It’s normal for your older pupil to be confused because they’re learning a whole new topic. They may become quickly frustrated by this misunderstanding, in part due to their advanced age, but primarily because they have not recently been used to such learning challenges. Throughout their lifetimes, your intelligent parents have demonstrated proficiency in nearly every task.

They may become confused by this new difficulty of understanding sophisticated technologies, though. Acknowledge this while reassuring them that their feelings are quite normal and that they will soon get past these misunderstandings.

9. Always Compliment to Boost Their Confidence 1 old age home in kolkata

When you are teaching, always strive to commend your older students on their small technological advances. Do you recall how your parents used to make you feel special by celebrating your small victories? You will now need to perform the same action. Your praise will motivate them to continue learning new ideas.

Their confidence will grow as a result of your gratitude, and they will be more equipped to take in new information. When they are able to post on social media or conduct a video call without your help, give them appreciation.

10. Direct Them for Using Free Tech Resources 1 old age home in kolkata

Finally, in between visits, you can instruct your senior tech student to use the information from several free tech sources. Excellent free tutorial classes in plain English are provided by free online IT resources such as TechBoomers and AARPTek.

Your senior student will feel more comfortable attending those tutorials if you say that these websites are specifically made for them.

Your query about how to teach senior citizens to use technology can be politely answered by following these steps. But if you or the elderly people in your household are wondering why you need to brainstorm so much at this advanced age, here are several explanations.

Reasons to Teach Them About Technology 1 old age home in kolkata

If your senior student does not demonstrate the changes you were hoping for, you may quickly feel demotivated. Elderly people may also be afraid of the difficult process of learning new technologies.

However, being aware of how important technology is to their everyday life might increase your motivation levels. The following justifies educating senior citizens about technology:


Seniors get more alone as they age because they are less able to move about and interact with others. By using social media to connect people with their faraway friends and family, technology can facilitate their social interactions.

Safety Concerns:

To keep children secure when you are away from home, it is crucial that you teach them how to use technology. You won’t have to worry about your parents being late if they have a smartphone and know how to share the GPS everytime they walk outside.


Senior people often feel a void as their idle time does not seem to pass easily. Smartphones and the skills necessary to use them can readily fill this gap. They can see videos and reels, shop online, and talk to anyone to pass their retirement years.


By now, hopefully, you have a solution for teaching senior citizens to use technology. To pique their interest, begin slowly by outlining the advantages of utilising technology. Use easy-to-understand language to progressively increase their understanding.

Pay attention to your regular routine. thoughts on earlier lessons and follow-up queries. Also, remember to give your senior student credit for their efforts. You may effectively teach your elders some basic technology with just this.

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