dementia care home in Kolkata

dementia care home in Kolkata

Dementia is a type of clinical condition in which the mind or intellect and function are reduced.

Dementia care home in Kolkata

This dementia slowly reduces human intelligence, but it has a real impact on the daily life of a human being.

Dementia care home in Kolkata

This disease is also a worldwide disease, with more than four million people in India affected by this dementia.

Dementia care home in Kolkata

We will discuss the main signs and symptoms associated with it.

Dementia care home in Kolkata

The symptoms of dementia disease usually start insidiously, making it difficult to understand when it starts. And it gradually increases. With age

Today we will discuss some of the most common symptoms of a dementia

1.⁠ ⁠Learning ability decreases

The dementia patient’s learning ability is gradually reduced because a healthy person can learn and has patience, but deventia patients do not have the same learning ability and patience.

2. Memory loss

The patients will lose their stamina and interest in work. They cannot remember where they put anything, when they did anything, and this will continue to increase with age.

3. Personality and mood changes are also seen

They lose their individuality and have a bad mood. When they are in a bad mood, they are constantly thinking about what to say to whom and how to talk to whom. These thoughts gradually disappear from their minds.

4 .Their thinking power decreases.

They will give it to the basins but their thinking ability gradually decreases with age. Then they lose the ability to think big and cannot think well about how to do it or how to get from one place to another and this affects their daily life.

This is a disease that occurs in three stages.

First Stare

Depression and apathy

This depression and apathy makes people feel that they cannot do anything, that they cannot be happy in life, that they should sit quietly at a young age, that they cannot understand anything, but this is a part of destiny of dementia care home in Kolkata

Second Stage

In the second stage, we can see some symptoms of this disease, such as getting very angry, talking nonsense, and saying things to someone without thinking.

But in the second stage, they are not very old, maybe 35 to 40 years old, and then you see them getting very angry, hitting someone, talking badly to someone, that’s a part of it.

Last Stage

And we will discuss some of the symptoms of late-stage dementia today.

In this final stage, debilitating symptoms such as incontinence, difficulty walking, difficulty eating, and muscle cramps are seen. But we see all these problems.

But today we are discussing what are the main causes of dementia.

The main cause of dementia is extensive damage to the nerve cells, which causes symptoms. The most common cause is associated with Alzheimer’s disease or other short-term degenerative diseases.

Dementia care home in Kolkata

Circulatory dystrophy is a condition in which the blood vessels in the brain are damaged, resulting in inadequate blood supply, and as a result, the dystrophy gradually increases.

Lead body is a disease, the abnormal protein load affects the human body’s vital functions and gradually the human’s intelligence decreases, the disease progresses as he is unable to use the protein he is taking.

It creates new records in the brain area that controls human language and behavior, and human speech and behavior completely change.

Mixed type is dementia but it is seen that after forty years of age this mixture is seen in people where everything affects them little by little and people become a little different from the ordinary.

Admin, some other causes of this disease are Parkinson’s disease, repeated head injuries, metabolic enzyme disorders, drug reactions, and brain tumors. But dementia can also be caused by these reasons.

We are now discussing how to treat and control it.

We will first see a medical professional to control dementia and if there is a need for physical examination of the patient, we will decide how we will treat them and are discussing this.

We will first look at the patient’s medical history and then proceed with the treatment after examining his body.

If necessary, he will need to undergo blood tests, a CT scan of the brain, and an electrogram.

The caregiver plays a major role in establishing the patient’s tolerance, so as symptoms worsen, the need for tolerance increases.

Generally, to control something, a nurse, doctor, and the like need a lot of help and treatment, and controlling all of these is very difficult, so today we have come to you with a simple way.


Shibasram Old  age Home In Kolkata A famous 10 year old old age home located in South Kolkata which is only for share but famous you can come here

This nursing home has been built with the only symptoms for where you will share control.

I see that I am receiving 24-hour doctor support, 24-hour nurse support, and other medical services.

CCTV is included here, so if anything happens, immediate arrangements are made for the patient, and they are in contact with the hospital, doctors, and first aid is also provided quickly.

And here, many diseases are also treated naturally because they are given daily exercise, taken for walks, shown TV, talked to, and so on. In this way, they are somewhat protected and resistant.

Some of the debenture patients have recovered from here and have returned to their rooms, so come quickly today without delay.

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