What is the disadvantage of old age home

Five main disadvantage of old age home

1. A person who is placed in a Old age  home will (naturally) feel depressed;. This makes sense because they are (usually) leaving the only home they have known for years along with all their memories.

2. Old age Home Admission Most people consider nursing home admission as the final step before death. This is usually true because they do not return to their own homes once they arrive.

3. Many suffer from loneliness. Visits from loved ones are rare for some.
4. People lose independence once in a nursing home. It only gives the impression that their life is ending. They lose their self-esteem as well as independence. Everything they do now is part of a routine.

5. If they are pious, they can no longer go to their favorite place of worship; Instead, they must attend to the service rendered by the retiree.

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