old age home at south kolkata

We provide comfortable support here. Our goal is to work with staff-resident connections to provide optimal care. Our life-enrichment programs aim to improve your quality of life as much as possible.

old age home at south kolkata

old age home at south kolkata

A facility called assisted living has been created for those who require varying degrees of personal care. Services and facilities should provide an environment that supports residents’ well-being and enhances their overall quality of life. People with neuro-developmental problems have more

After living active lives in their prime, seniors require personal care and respect as they age. When age-related disorders afflict them, they need round-the-clock care in addition to opportunities for social interaction to prevent feelings of isolation. In light of this, Our Old Age Home is poised to provide seniors who are physically or intellectually challenged as well as those who are lonely with holistic care that includes sharing, love and compassion in group settings.

Best old age home at south kolkata

Shibasram is supervised by Gautam Das, an accomplished manager with 15 years of experience working with the elderly. It has established itself as a respected name in the community for offering homes to older people who are homeless, have experienced a stroke, are comatose, have dementia or any other age-related debilitating illness that has severely limited their ability to maintain a dignified life. Their own, 24 hour shelter.


The old and the aged, the underprivileged and the abandoned were the only people for whom Shibasram Home was intended. We offer assistance to those who are unable to work without nursing or assisted care, who live alone in their homes, or whose quality of life is deteriorating due to other age-related issues.

Our Vision

Many people think that we are morally required to care for the elderly. We believe that society as a whole has an obligation to fulfill this responsibility, not just an individual or a family. As members of civil society it is our duty to help our elderly, honor them in their golden years and provide them with the best care possible.

Our Mission

To improve the lives of older people who work for and give back to their cause.

Homely Atmosphere

Our mission is to care for elderly and bedridden people with utmost kindness and dignity. This includes intensive supervision and round-the-clock assistance with activities of daily living.

Trained & Exprienced Staff

A skilled and knowledgeable team will use their professional experience to treat residents and inpatients with love and respect.

Comfortable Rooms

Shibasram is a 30-bed facility for senior citizens. It has a pleasant, comfortable environment with access to both private and public areas, a staff who are compassionate and understanding, and a community of like-minded long-term care residents.

Laundary Service

Daily, laundry service is offered at our facilities at no extra cost. There is also an electrical power backup installation.

Medical Assistance 24*7

Every senior living here has an assisted living facility with round-the-clock medical supervision and nursing staff. In case of medical emergency, assistance is also provided. To provide loving and respectful care to residents and inpatients, we employ the most talented and knowledgeable staff. So shibasram best old age home at south Kolkata


Seniors are always monitored by CCTV cameras which are visited regularly along with a staff member who works in shifts. The rooms have attached toilets with hot and cold running water along with all necessary furniture.

Home Cooked Food

Our meals are prepared in our on-site kitchen, which is more like home-cooked food in variety and flavor than hotel fare. Each dish is prepared with fresh ingredients and cooked daily. The cuisine is made with less oil and spices, is soft and chewy to prevent dental problems and is free from high sugar, allergens and any other requirements requested by our customers considering the unique needs and diets of our population. Best Old age home at south kolkata

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